Tuesday, December 29, 2009

cabin time

We planted a tree in the cabin. Humans do some odd things, don't you agree?

There's a nest in the tree, but no birds.

I like to go on the snowshoe trail, but my fur gets all full of snowballs.


I know where the sun sleeps. I've caught him waking up in the morning. He sleeps behind the hill, just past the snowshoe trail. At 10:30 each morning he takes a long deep breath of fresh air, stretches his rays out over the edge of the hill and smiles down on our log cabin. He lays a sunbeam on the couch just for me. Could a dog have any better luck than that?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

fun for me

I looked out my window one morning and saw these guys standing in the yard. I went out to investigate and found they are not sociable. In fact all they do is stand out there and get covered in snow!

There's getting to be more snow and it's everywhere.
I enjoy running through the snow and sniffing the deer tracks. Today there was a deer in my yard. I'm a lucky dog.

Something has happened to our twinkly lights. They started to grow legs.
The world is so amazing.

fixer upper

Supervising is an important job and I take it seriously. The humans are at work whenever we go to the home away from home. They bring me along to keep them on track.
I watched them fix the ceiling in the attic. I learned some interesting new home renovation vocabulary!
As you can see, they have taken the cabint apart, but can't seem to put it back together.

The cabinets in the kitchen are new and I am hopeful the humans will figure out how to put doors on them.
Work, work, work, does a supervisor get any time for fun?