Not so different from the canine one.
To illustrate the similarities, I have created this photo vignette for you. I hope you like it!
Play is an important part of the family. They can be nasty with one another, in a playful way.
Sharing food is a common activity in the family. It always puts them in a good mood.
The family is loving. They demonstrate this caring feeling all the time.
One way a family feels connected, is by hugging. Four hugs a day, that's the minimum.
Families enjoy exploring new things together. They feel strong and adventurous.
Being thoughtful and exchanging ideas is a way for families to grow. Help is never far away.
Families benefit from experiencing cultural events. Laughing, singing, clapping are good for the soul.
Shopping for bargains is a family tradition. OK, canines don't do this. It's a human thing.
The family vacation. They love to do it. They always overpack. They could learn a lesson from us canines. Kibble and a leash and a decent road map.
That's all a dog needs.