Monday, October 17, 2011


Grassi Lakes Trail
Canmore, AB
approx. 300 m elevation gain
about 2 hours return to the dam

rock stairs
clear, cold water that is crunchy in spots
lakes for swimming
lots of hikers and pups
bring a leash
rocky canyon
climbing rocks and paintings

1 paw up

down to the Bow Valley

on top of the dam

The pika's voice echoes in the canyon.

Steak and Mushrooms

Placid Lake/White Horse Bluff Trail
Wells Gray PP
approx 12k round trip
about 4 hours and 200 m elevation

soft trail
water for swimming
logs to pracitce your balance beam
no hikers
dopey grouse

1 paw up

Me on the bluff.

Whoa! Now that is a mushroom.

If that is the mushroom, I can't wait to see the steak!

Moul Falls Trail
Wells Gray Park
about 1 hr return

soft trail covered in gold coins
lots of hikers and pups
bring a leash
a stream for drinking

1 paw up
a trail of golden riches

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Not a Canoe

Just when I thought I had experienced every form of human recreation
they stuffed me into my canoe get-up
plunked me onto a red plastic seat
and I found myself speeding
across the top of the water
wind, waves and noise.

This is not a canoe.