Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Waterton Lakes National Park, the vacation

Goat Lake Trail, Aug 8
Waterton Lakes National Park
13.6 k return
525 m elevation gain

a flat road
a bushy forest
a hot rocky slope
be sure to bring some water to drink
splashing falls for drinks
a lake for swimming
not many people

2 paws up

There were some fish swimming in the lake but I didn't get one. The bugs were bad. I had on some very fragrant dog friendly insect repellent so my poor naked belly was spared. We made it to the parking lot before the thunderstorm let loose with it's wicked light show.

There ain't no goats, there ain't no goats....

This falls is near the lake. The lake is where we had the picnic. The picnic is always good.

Carthew/Alderson Trail, Aug. 9
Waterton Lakes National Park
20 k
651 m elevation gained

a one way hike
soft trail, scree-oh my poor paws
streams and lakes for water
snowslopes for frisking
thunder in the sky
marmots whistling
a walk through town
bring a leash

3 paws up

I got to ride in the shuttle van and listen to all the humans chatter.

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