Wednesday, March 25, 2009

catching hell

I was catching hell today. I couldn't do anything right. Have you ever had a day like that?

It was just a relaxing walk through the neighborhood...... The humans have been getting home late so I haven't had a walk for a couple of days. Today "W" was home early and we took off to enjoy the sunshine and warmth.

The snow is going away and there is so much great sniffing to do. There are lots of people outside. Some have dogs, some are on bikes. It is an exciting time.

You must understand that I am past wearing a leash. I run free on my walks and get to explore all I want as long as I don't get too far from the humans. It is a good arrangement.

The first thing that went wrong was a guy walking down the street with a shopping bag. You never know what a guy will have in a shopping bag, so I ran after him, barking my best offensive bark. I caught hell over that one. Next thing you know I'm clipped onto a leash being dragged up the street. How humiliating. I tried to look pathetic and it must have worked because she let me off the leash again.

The next thing that went wrong was a woman with 2 dogs on leashes. I felt sorry for those pups, so I ran up the street to try to free them. Well, I caught hell for that, too. Back on the leash. I was really embarrassed to be leashed up in front of those dogs. Humans have no mercy. I pulled the pathetic puppy scam and got free again later.

I was enjoying my freeedom, when what should I come across but a delightful pile of horse poop. It wasn't frozen or dried out, it was fresh and sweet. I couldn't resist grabbing a mouthful. I barely got it swallowed when I was on the leash again.

So you see, I've been catching hell a lot today. I'm no dummy, though, and I knew what to do when I saw these flowers. Yeah, I'm back in the good books again!

This is me pulling the "cute dog caper".

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