Sunday, April 5, 2009

Running in the Ditch

When I go for a walk there are two choices, the road or the ditch. The road is smooth, flat and gets me where I want to go. It is always the same; safe and predictable. It is clean and well ordered with cars and people going the right way.

The ditch, however, is where I prefer to run. I can get where I want to go by using the ditch, but sometimes I get to a place I never knew existed. This is where the fun begins. The ditch has hidden treasures like, pools of water, streams, clumps of bushes and weeds. There are mice to find and birds to bark at. The smells in the ditch can drive me out of my mind in a sniffing frenzy. There are things to root out and even stuff to eat. There are piles of mysterious substances to roll in. Even getting my fur full of burrs doesn't stop me. I don't want to miss any of it.

Cue the humans.

"Chili, get out of there."
"Chili, stop that."
"Spit that out!"

They never cared when I sniffed, rolled and ran on the mountain trails.

Once I get these burrs chewed out of my fur, I will take a nap and dream of the streams, meadows and mountain tops.
When will I hike again?

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