Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on the trail

April 10, 2009

Petgill Lake
about 12km
4 hrs

The snow has left my neighborhood and I found out where it went. It has gone back to the mountains. Most of it is on the trail to Petgill Lake.

beautiful shady forest
streams to wade in
rocks, roots
only two other humans hiking

Keep your eyes and nostrils open, your humans may get lost within 10 minutes of starting this hike. Mine wandered around for 45 minutes before I found the trail for them. After about 3 km we found snow. It was fun walking on the snow, for awhile. Then there was a marshy spot and the snowbridge was rotten. The fun ended and we headed for home, about 1.5 km from the lake.

2 paws up

April 11, 2009

Stawamus Squaw Trail
about 15km
5 hrs

steep, wet rocks, boulders
wet stairs

BIG cliffs
mossy boulder hopping
rope pull
lots of hikers until after the Chief, then none
poor signage after the Chief summits

How do I say this? Lost 2 days in a row. We never got to the Stawamus Squaw, but we did find a cool new way down from the mountain! The humans kept reading a book to find out where to go. I guess the book was no good. We made a circle tour and came down the face of the Squaw, onto a logging road, to the highway where we followed the climbing access trails along the base of the Chief back to the parking lot. It was a good day.

2 paws up

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