Monday, July 13, 2009

"K" Country

On the trails again

July 9/09
Chester Lake and Three Lake Valley
Peter Lougheed Prov. Park
4 1/2 hrs return

smooth trailbed to Chester Lake
taunting ground squrrels ( leash would be good)
rocky trail at 3 Lake Valley
streams and lakes
an umbrella could be useful
no people after Chester Lake
2 paws up

(I could use a raincoat, you know.)

July 10/09
Mt. Indefatigable, eastern outlier
Peter Lougheed Prov. Park
5 hours return
rocky, busy trail at the start
ground squirrel fiesta meadows
you may need a leash
no water until the tarn
windy up above
did I mention the ground squirrels?
3 paws up

(a grizzly discovery, it's not a ground squirrel))
July 11/09
Pocaterra Cirque Trail
Peter Lougheed Prov. Park
30 min. to scree slope and creek
mud bog supreme!
trail starts in a mossy, creek slope
uphill over a ridge
meadows and scree slope
this animal was not a ground squirrel
we left him to wander into the cirque
plan "B" as follows...
Raswon Lake Trail
Peter Lougheed Prov. Park
1 hour to the lake
smooth trail
Lakeshore walk
a lake at both ends of the trail
too many people, dogs and kids
leash is essential, yuck
1 paw

(Yes, I'm coming.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

