Sunday, November 30, 2008

drywall tastes good

I'm banned from the basement. "A" is down there with a bunch of tools, making dust. I heard some terrible noises from below, so I went to check it out. I'd just got a mouthful of the good stuff when "A" grabbed me and hauled me up the stairs. He shut the door as he went back down. "Chili's been eating the drywall." he said. I'm a hunter by nature and I'm always on the lookout for something new to eat.

There's something to eat in one of the boxes in the office. If the humans would just leave the office door open sometime when they go away, I could check it out. There are a bunch of boxes in there right now. "W" has been putting paper around them with sparkly ribbons and stuff. One of them contains food that smells heavenly. I'll just bide my time patiently, waiting for someone to go off to work and leave the door open. I'll let you know what I find.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the Soup

Anybody got a paddle I can borrow?

I'm up sh_t creek!

"W" was busy making soup in the kitchen. I did my doggie duty of vacuuming up the bits of leek, carrot and celery from the kitchen floor.

Rather than put the hot cooked soup in the fridge, she put it outside on the little table on the back deck to cool. It's darn cold out right now, so it would cool fast.

A little later I wandered out of the kitchen and stood looking out the window to the back deck. That's how I tell the humans I want to go outside. "W" opened the door to let me out and returned to cleaning up the kitchen.

I was sitting outside on the little table on the deck when she opened the door and found me. She scooped me up and hustled me into the house. She wrestled my lips apart and nearly stuck her nose into my mouth. "Ah ha! You've been eating meatballs from the soup." She set me down on the couch and went muttering back into the kitchen.

Later I hear her tell "A" that my breath smelled like nutmeg. Guess that was the give away. Drats.

Here is the recipe in case you want to try it out...It'll mask doggie breath.

Dutch Meatball Soup

1 litre of beef stock

about 3-4 cups water

3 leeks (white and light green parts chopped)

1 1/2 c. each of celery and carrots chopped

1 lb ground beef

1/2 c dry breadcrumbs

2 Tbsp parsley

salt and pepper

1 1/2 tsp nutmeg (or more)

1 cup fine egg noodles

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp Worchestershire sauce

In a large pot boil together beef stock, water, leeks, celery and carrots. Cook about 30 min.

Make small meatballs-mix beef, breadcrumbs, a bit of the parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg. Put meatballs into hot soup and simmer about 15 min.

Add noodles and cook 8 min. Stir in soy sauce and Worchestershire sauce and the rest of the parsley.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mt. Rose

Oct. 18

Mt. Rose Trail, approx. 5k

easy, short trail

soft trailbed


no water

a few hikers and dogs

birds and squirrels

if you're a dog who likes bouldering, there are some fun rocks

2 paws up

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lac Du Bois Grasslands Park

Oct. 18
Dew Drop Trail, approx 14k

I got to chase some deer through the forest today! W & A were party poopers and scared the deer off by calling "Chili, Chili, come here boy".
Gee whiz. I just wanted to play.

there are some cool little caves and some crazy holey rocks on the trail.
lots of the trees are covered with green fuzz
this is a hot place
there is no water for drinking.
the trail is smooth with only a few rocky places
no other hikers

3 paws up

Oct. 19
Mara Hill trail, approx. 6k

Rattle Snakes
I did not leave the trail
wandering off trail could be dangerous for a short little gaffer like me.

Hot, no shade
dry, no water
few hikers,
easy level trail
I got cacti stuck in my paws a couple of times
there are deer
it is hard to resist wandering through the wide open spaces, maybe you'll want a leash
2 paws up

Eagle Pass Mountain

Sept. 28
Eagle Pass Mt trail, approx 12k

My first hike with my new pal, Howie!
Howie hails from California, but is a Canadian now. He lives on my street and he puts up with my over-exuberance.

"W" & "A" sometimes travel with 2 other humans, "D' & "D". They belong to Howie. It's nice to go places with friends.

the trail has a few trees down, not a problem for long legged dogs like Howie
there is water for drinking
you'll be on rocks
quite a lot of hikers
great sniffing in the meadow
soft fresh snow made it slippy getting to the top
3 paws up

Glacier Nat. Park

Sept. 14
Perley Rock Trail, Glacier Nat. Park Approx. 11k

4 legs good, two legs bad

As I scooted up and down an icy snowslope, "A" took an unexpected ride.

This trail has everything for a fun loving pooch like me. forest, rocks, river, streams, meadows, snow, ice, bridges

After the Sir Donald junction, not a lot of people

I needed a boost over boulders
a leash will keep you from wandering into a crevasse

encourage your humans to take hiking poles...2 legs may not be enough!

4 paws way up!

There's a lot of ice up there!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Aug. 23 & 24, 2008

Banff Nat. Park

Cirque Peak trail, approx. 16k

Just a few metres short of 3, record.

Parking lot overflowed to Crowfoot Glacier viewpoint...lots of hikers here

trail is wide, braided with lots of roots at the start

a bit steep until you're behind the ridge and into the meadows.

steep again beyond the ridge above Helen Lake

some streams for drinks

Helen Lake for a swim

my favorite-MARMOTS! Someone once thought I was a marmot.

if you love marmots, a leash might be an idea

I needed a boost over some boulders getting to the summit

3 paws

Bow Glacier Falls trail, approx 9k

level until past the gravel flats west of the lake

a leash would be good until you're past the lodge area

lots of nice swimming

rocky trail at the end

a refreshing shower awaits for those who need it

trail was muddy, my low slung belly got very dirty

2 paws

Parker Ridge trail, approx. 8k

start the hike by strolling into a meadow!
WINDY-screaming, howling, hair-raising, mind bending wind
We hid out in a stone shelter on the ridge to unfold the map
"W" let her hiking poles hang by the loops from her wrists. The wind blew them close to 45 degree angle. This is one time I was glad to be so low to the ground.

I didn't see goats, but I found a little clump of fur to play with as I huddled out of the wind.

trail is soft with lots of switchbacks. I found those confusing
no water
lots of people, bring a leash
"great photo ops", "A" went on and on about glaciers

2 paws


Aug. 6, 2008

Manning Prov. Park

Skyline I trail to Lone Goat Peak, approx 20k from Strawberry Flats

There was no goat that day.

We were the lone hikers. There were no other hikers past the junction back to Spruce Bay.

a rolling trail

soft trailbed

sidehilling behind Snow Camp Mt.

grouse, squirrels

some streams for drinking

"W"&"A" decided to scramble down from Lone Goat Peak and rejoin the trail. They never listen to me...My fur got full of seeds and burrs.

I got to try candied ginger today. It's not half bad, although it got stuck in my teeth. I'll be glad when I lose these baby teeth.

3 paws

Monday, November 10, 2008


July 13, 2008

Three Brother's Trail, Approx. 20-22kManning Prov. Park

Gaining elevation to get back to the car seems wrong. Not satisfied with the First Brother, we had to visit the second one as well.

trailbed soft except for final ascent

I needed a boost over boulders a couple times, gangly legged dogs will have no problems

BIG, howling wind on the summit. "W" carried me on the narrow ridge so I wouldn't blow off.


lots of people, fewer after the meadows

water for drinks

I'm a little guy, close to the ground. It was hot and dry. My eyes and nose got full of trail dust. I follow right behind "W". "A" goes at the end. The humans figured out why I was sneezing and cleaned off the dust so I could see and breathe!

3 paws

Lightning Lakes Loop, July 14

Manning Prov. Park

Approx. 9 k

Easy, level, lakeshore trail.

soft trailbed

lots of people until you get past the first lake.

take a leash

lots of swimming

shady and cool

2 paws

Sunday, November 9, 2008


June 29-30, 2008

Stanley Glacier Trail, Kootenay Nat. Park
Approx. 11k
I was getting some TLC from "A". I accepted a ride in "W's" backpack for about 15 minutes on the hike down. I was pooped!
a stream for swimming,
on the south side of the basin, falls for a shower
smooth trail in the forest
talus for 45 min or so, careful tenderpaws!
not many hikers
4 paws up

Paradise Valley trail to Sentinel Junction
Banff Nat. Park
Approx 20k
My first snow! COOL!
lots of water to swim
wide trail,
steep up to Annette Lake
a few hikers
Mountain bikes on lower trail
tenderpaws alert-cross a rock slide
esp. in fall you may need a group to go here-
There was a storm rolling in from the Plain of Six Glaciers. Thunder began as we were 2 k from the car. Safely at the coffee shop in Lake Louise when the downpour arrived.
4 paws up
Moraine Lakeshore trail
Keep walking, keep walking, trust me, keep walking
the crowds thin out after a few minutes
level, wide trail
soft trailbed
shady, cool
bring a leash
go to the end of the lake, it was flooded in June
2 paws

Castle Lookout Trail, approx 7k
Banff Nat. Park

good trailbed
some rocks,
a few streams to drink
no swimming
Hot, not much shade
lots of hikers
2 paws

Ink Pots Trail, Johnston Canyon
Approx 12k
Banff Nat. Park

Whoa! Carry me! Johnston Canyon boardwalks are a forest of legs for a guy like me. A sea of humanity. Trail on to the Ink Pots is gently rolling, not as busy.
Water for drinking
wide, level trail
bring a leash
nice place for a puppy nap.
2 paws