Sunday, November 9, 2008


June 29-30, 2008

Stanley Glacier Trail, Kootenay Nat. Park
Approx. 11k
I was getting some TLC from "A". I accepted a ride in "W's" backpack for about 15 minutes on the hike down. I was pooped!
a stream for swimming,
on the south side of the basin, falls for a shower
smooth trail in the forest
talus for 45 min or so, careful tenderpaws!
not many hikers
4 paws up

Paradise Valley trail to Sentinel Junction
Banff Nat. Park
Approx 20k
My first snow! COOL!
lots of water to swim
wide trail,
steep up to Annette Lake
a few hikers
Mountain bikes on lower trail
tenderpaws alert-cross a rock slide
esp. in fall you may need a group to go here-
There was a storm rolling in from the Plain of Six Glaciers. Thunder began as we were 2 k from the car. Safely at the coffee shop in Lake Louise when the downpour arrived.
4 paws up
Moraine Lakeshore trail
Keep walking, keep walking, trust me, keep walking
the crowds thin out after a few minutes
level, wide trail
soft trailbed
shady, cool
bring a leash
go to the end of the lake, it was flooded in June
2 paws

Castle Lookout Trail, approx 7k
Banff Nat. Park

good trailbed
some rocks,
a few streams to drink
no swimming
Hot, not much shade
lots of hikers
2 paws

Ink Pots Trail, Johnston Canyon
Approx 12k
Banff Nat. Park

Whoa! Carry me! Johnston Canyon boardwalks are a forest of legs for a guy like me. A sea of humanity. Trail on to the Ink Pots is gently rolling, not as busy.
Water for drinking
wide, level trail
bring a leash
nice place for a puppy nap.
2 paws

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