Sunday, November 30, 2008

drywall tastes good

I'm banned from the basement. "A" is down there with a bunch of tools, making dust. I heard some terrible noises from below, so I went to check it out. I'd just got a mouthful of the good stuff when "A" grabbed me and hauled me up the stairs. He shut the door as he went back down. "Chili's been eating the drywall." he said. I'm a hunter by nature and I'm always on the lookout for something new to eat.

There's something to eat in one of the boxes in the office. If the humans would just leave the office door open sometime when they go away, I could check it out. There are a bunch of boxes in there right now. "W" has been putting paper around them with sparkly ribbons and stuff. One of them contains food that smells heavenly. I'll just bide my time patiently, waiting for someone to go off to work and leave the door open. I'll let you know what I find.

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