Tuesday, May 19, 2009


May 16/09
Fire Lookout Trail
5 1/2 hours

lots of up
some rocks
pine forest
bunch grass
no water
no hikers
2 paws up

I got to hike with my pal Howie!
Howie is good at Frisbee and fetch.

Down to the Fraser River!
Howie's humans were hiking, too.

May 17, 2009
Peanut Lake Trail
5 1/2 hours

fir, then pine forest
no hikers
some patches of snow to play in
soft trail bed
water at the lake, around the edges only!
2 paws up

The lake was cold, but we got our paws wet anyway.

"A' enjoys the snow.

My buddy "D" says, "Surprise, you're on Candid Camera!"

May 18, 2009
Gold Mine Trail
2 hours

lots of trees down
no hikers
no water
some rocks
no gold
1 paw up

Hiking with friends is the best.
We got to have a picnic at
Seton Lake before we had to go home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Paul Lake

May 2, 2009
Gibralter Rock/Lakeshore Trail
Paul Lake Prov. Park

Soft trailbed
wide and level
lots of swimming
plenty of hikers

1 paw up

Camping is good. I do love to sleep in the camper with the humans. And of coures it's fun to sniff around the campsite. I found plenty of stuff to snack on while snooping around in the bushes. There are lots of trees down which makes a puppy playground for adventurous types like me. At the little pebble beach where we had lunch I found an orange golf ball, a tennis ball and the humans found a marble! What a bonanza!

Golf anyone?