Monday, September 7, 2009

under the weather

I overheard the humans saying "Chili is under the weather today."

I must be invisible. I was right under their noses, snuggled in my doggie bed next to the big window. I was under a blanket, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't under the weather.

It is rainly and cool. I'm not feeling well today. I slept in, I didn't go outside in the morning, I passed on my morning bully stick chew at coffee time. I felt weak and shaky. I couldn't stop shivering. All I wanted to do was sleep.

But I'm better now and I've been playing fetch. I got a new toy today and I've nearly got it destroyed already. Not bad, huh? I've had a bowl full of kibble and I'm ready to wrestle. I'm off to find a human to play with.

Hmmmm? If you can be under the weather, can you also be over the weather?

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