Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snow Dog

This snow is fun!

I can roll in it, run in it, bite it, slide in it and dig in it. What more could a pooch ask for? I thought snow only lived in the mountains. I was so surprised to wake up and find this in my backyard. I love it.

Of course the humans are a different story. The snow never seems to be in the right place for them. Every human in the neighborhood is busy moving the snow to a new place. They are using trucks, tractors, shovels and blowers. It's so amusing to watch them take the snow from here and push it over there. Maybe they are doing it to be creative or maybe moving snow is their idea of fun.

If you've got humans, encourage them to put the shovel away, take a frolicking run, dive into the snow, roll onto their backs, squirm and squiggle with 4 paws in the air. It never hurts to get in touch with your inner puppy!

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